Saturday, February 15, 2025

Judge David M. Lawson

Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse
231 W. Lafayette Blvd., Room 775
Detroit, MI 48226

Courtroom: Room 767
Chambers Telephone: (313) 234-2660
Chambers Fax: (313) 234-2669
Case Manager: Susan Pinkowski (313) 234-2662
Court Reporter: Rene Twedt (313) 234-2613

Practice Guidelines

Courtesy copies of motions and briefs for motions listed in LR 7.1(e)(2)(A) must be provided to Chambers. Parties may submit courtesy copies of other motions, exhibits, responses and replies to Chambers. All papers must be firmly bound along the left margin (by binding or in a 3-ring binder) and any exhibits must be properly tabbed preceded by an index of exhibits.

If you have any questions on cases, you may email the Case Manager at


The Honorable David M. Lawson was nominated to the United States District Court  by President William Jefferson Clinton on  August 5, 1999, confirmed by a unanimous Senate on May 23, 2000 and began service on August 4, 2000. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame and Wayne State University Law School. After clerkships in the Oakland County Circuit Court (Hon. John N. O'Brien) and the Michigan Supreme Court (Hon. James L. Ryan), he practiced law in small (Lawson & Lawson, P.C.), medium (Lizza, Mulcahy, Casey and Lawson, P.C.) and large (Clark Hill, P.L.C.) law firms in southeastern Michigan for 24 years. His practice areas included criminal defense at both a trial and appellate level; family law; civil tort litigation including medical and legal malpractice, products liability and insurance coverage litigation representing both plaintiffs and defendants; employment litigation; commercial litigation; and transactional work.

Judge Lawson has served as a special assistant attorney general and special prosecutor for the Oakland County one-man grand jury from January 1978 to 1980, and a special prosecutor for Livingston County. He has been a faculty member of the Michigan Judicial Institute since its inception in 1977, and has lectured extensively throughout the country for over 35 years on the subjects of evidence and procedure. He has published several articles on these subjects. He has served as a visiting professor of Evidence and Constitutional Law at Thomas M. Cooley Law School and has served as a lecturer at the University of Detroit Law School, the Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), the Wayne County Clinical Advocacy Program, and several state and local Bar Association seminars.
