Saturday, February 15, 2025


General Information:

The naturalization process begins with a document called a Petition for Naturalization. The Petition is a form that every potential citizen fills out prior to taking the Oath of Citizenship. It contains the birth date, occupation, means of entry to the U.S. and lists his or her spouse and children. It also provides the Alien Registration number, Petition number, and the number assigned to their Certificate of Naturalization.

Additional information regarding the naturalization process is available on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website or by calling 1-800-375-5283.

Naturalization Ceremonies:

The Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse in Detroit is the primary location for naturalizing new citizens within the Eastern District of Michigan. On occasion, ceremonies are held at other locations. Guests of new citizens are welcome to attend the ceremony.

For entry into any Federal Court facility within the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, valid picture identification is required.

Visitors to Federal Court facilities are required to pass through a magnetometer and have all belongings and packages subject to physical and/or x-ray examination similar to security screening at airports. When reporting for a naturalization ceremony, please plan your arrival time accordingly. Firearms, knives, explosives, and other weapons are prohibited from Federal Court facilities and subject to confiscation.

Cell phones (including BlackBerrys) and any other devices with wireless communication capabilities are not permitted in Federal Court facilities within the Eastern District of Michigan and should be left at home or in your car. However, you are permitted to bring in a digital camera (not camera phone) for a naturalization ceremony.

For information about scheduling or rescheduling a naturalization ceremony, contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at (800) 375-5283.

Naturalization Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Replacing a Certificate of Naturalization

  2. Replacing a Petition for Name Change

  3. Researching Naturalization History