Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pro Se Document Upload

The Pro Se Electronic Document Upload Program is a service provided by the Court. This program can only be used by non-incarcerated parties not represented by an attorney who need to submit documents to the court for filing. The date the document was received will be the filed date, if received at 12:00 am or after, the filing date will be the next day. ECF users must file using CM/ECF. This program cannot be used by attorneys.

Filer Information

Yes        No


You are only allowed to upload five documents per submission.

Document Upload Instructions:

A maximum five documents can be uploaded and must be in a PDF format. Photos of documents are not acceptable (due to poor image quality) and may be stricken. The file name and description cannot include special characters. Documents must be uploaded and submitted within one hour of starting the process or you must start over again.

  1. Click "Browse" to choose a document to upload. Documents must be in a PDF format (photos of documents are not acceptable due to poor image quality and may be stricken) and each document uploaded cannot be larger than 5 mb in size.
  2. Enter the document description.
  3. Click "Confirm these entries". The name of the uploaded file will appear in blue underneath the button.
  4. If uploading another document, click "Upload another document" and repeat steps 1 through 3.
  5. When all files have been uploaded (maximum of 5), click "Done Uploading, continue" to complete the submission process.
  6. After the submission process has been completed, a confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address.

To prove you are not a machine, please enter these two digits
in reverse order in this box:   5  4  

By entering my name in the box below, I certify that I am the actual filer of the document and signing with my electronic signature and consent to use of this form.


I agree to each of the following:

  1. I am intending to file the attached document(s) with the court.
  2. I am not a licensed attorney, e-filer or submitting on behalf of an incarcerated party.
  3. If filing a new case and paying the filing fee, the payment information will be sent in a separate email. Do not upload summons until payment of the filing has been received or directed to do so by the Court.

For technical assistance, please call (313) 234-5000.