Thursday, January 16, 2025

Request to Obtain Virtual Courtroom Access During the COVID-19 Crisis


The information you provide will not be forwarded, distributed or shared with other parties with the exception of the U.S. Marshals Service for violations of court rules.

Any recording of a court proceeding is absolutely prohibited.

Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the court. Members of the press and the public are also expected to mute their phones during telephonic hearings and to not disrupt proceedings in any manner.

Local Rule 83.32 (e)(2): "Taking photographs or video recordings in connection with any Judicial Proceeding... and the recording or broadcasting of Judicial Proceedings by radio or television or other means is prohibited."

At this time, there are no scheduled cases for the future. Please check back again soon.

Seating Type:              

To prove you are not a machine, please enter these two digits
in reverse order in this box:   4  7  

I have read and understand the rules stated above.

For access to cases not listed above, please visit our Court Calendar.

Please note that while all proceedings have a specified start time, they may not begin at the appointed time due to other scheduled matters.

Some court hearings are available to the public remotely. Family members, attorneys or the public must request access:

Email the Public Access Team if you have any questions.