Thursday, January 16, 2025

LR 5.1: Filing of Papers

(a)   Papers presented for filing must comply with the following:

(1)   Required Information. Papers must include:

(A)   the name of the court,

(B)   the title and number of the case,

(C)   the name or nature of the paper in sufficient detail for identification,

(D)   the name of the district judge and magistrate judge to whom the case is assigned, and

(E)   the following contact information:

(i)   For an attorney: Name, office address, e-mail address, telephone number, and state bar identification number.

(ii)   For a party without counsel: Name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

(2)   Format. All papers must be on 8 ½ x 11 inch white paper of good quality, plainly typewritten, printed, or prepared by a clearly legible duplication process, and double-spaced, except for quoted material and footnotes. Margins must be at least one inch on the top, sides, and bottom. Each page must be numbered consecutively. This subsection does not apply to exhibits submitted for filing and documents filed in removed actions before removal from the state courts.

(3)   Type Size. Except for standard preprinted forms that are in general use, type size of all text and footnotes must be no smaller than 10-1/2 characters per inch (non-proportional) or 14 point (proportional).

(b)   Number of Copies Required.

(1)   Papers Filed Electronically. Attorneys and parties without counsel should refer to the Court's ECF Policies and Procedures and the Court's website to determine those papers that each judge requests be provided as a judge's copy.

(2)   Papers Not Filed Electronically. All papers not filed electronically with the clerk must include an original and one copy. The copy should be clearly marked "JUDGE'S COPY."

(c)   Number of Copies Required for a Three-Judge Court. In any action or proceeding in which a three-judge court is requested, parties not filing electronically must file an original and three copies of papers until it is determined either that a three-judge court will not be convened or that the three-judge court has been convened and dissolved and the case remanded to a single judge. The court may allow fewer copies.

(d)   Exhibits.

(1)   Filed Electronically. Exhibits filed electronically must comply with the Court's ECF Policies and Procedures.

(2)   Not Filed Electronically. Bulky exhibits must be securely bound or fastened and clearly marked with the case number and the name of the judge to whom the case is assigned.

(e)   Restrictions. Motions must not be combined with any other stand-alone document. See Rule 7.1(i).


COMMENT:   LR 26.2 applies to filing discovery material.

LR 83.50 applies to filing papers in bankruptcy cases and proceedings.

Counsel and parties not filing electronically are advised that the handling and storage of documents are facilitated if they are received flat and without folds.

Under LR 5.1.1, the Court may excuse a party from electronic filing on motion for good cause shown.

Attempts to circumvent the LR in any way may be considered an abusive practice which may result in papers being stricken as well as sanctions being imposed under LR 11.1.

December 1, 2022