LR 83.1: Amendments to Local Rules; Effective Date
(a) When the Court proposes an amendment to or amends these rules, it must provide public notice of the proposal or amendment on its website and via other sources that will reach a wide audience.
(b) An amendment to these rules takes effect on the first day of the month following adoption unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
COMMENT: These Rules may be amended in compliance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 83 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 57.
In addition to the Court's website, sources as used in LR 83.1(a) will include legal newspapers throughout the Eastern District, and the roster of persons registered to file papers electronically (filing users).
A notice will appear in each issue of the Michigan Bar Journal and the Bar Journal's website advising persons that proposed and final amendments to the Court's local rules will be posted on the Court's website.
LR 83.20(a) requires that "a person practicing in this court must know these rules, including the provisions for sanctions for violating the rules." For the most up-to-date information, persons practicing in this court are encouraged to visit the Court's website frequently.
October 1, 2022