General Instructions |
Please consult the Electronic Filing Policies and Procedures, the Local Rules, the case docket (if applicable) and the information on this website prior to contacting chambers with a question. The Court requires strict compliance with E.D. Mich. L.R. 5.1(a)(3) which states that “type size of all text and footnotes must be no smaller than 10-1/2 characters per inch (non-proportional) or 14 point (proportional).” Any filings that fail to comply with Local Rule 5.1(a)(3) will be immediately stricken.
The Court encourages the use of modern technology to display exhibits and demonstrative aids during trial. However, prior arrangements must be made with chambers staff. Requests for interpreters and accommodation for witnesses with disabilities should be made with chambers at least one week prior to the scheduled event.
Counsel shall deliver a copy of the Complaint, Answer, any motions, briefs, and responses directly to Chambers.
If a case has settled, the parties must notify chambers in writing by the next business day. The parties may either email Judge Drain's case manager or send a fax to chambers indicating that the matter has been resolved. Similarly, if the parties resolve a pending motion prior to the hearing date, they must notify chambers. The movant should thereafter file a notice of withdrawal as to the pending motion.