General Policies

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Judge Kumar accepts no ex parte communications. Counsel may contact the Case Manager, or Paralegal, regarding procedural and scheduling matters only. Although chambers staff is happy to answer questions about chambers procedures, please consult these guidelines, the Electronic Filing Policies and Procedures, the Local Rules, the case docket (if applicable), and the information on this website before contacting Chambers with a question. Contact by counsel or parties with the law clerks is discouraged.

The Judge prefers that papers submitted electronically to chambers be in the current version of Word.

Local Rules are enforced. Please pay particular attention to Local Rule 7.1, Local Rule 5.3, and Electronic Filing Rules 5 and 10(d).

The Court encourages the use of modern technology to display exhibits and demonstrative aides during trial. However, parties must make prior arrangements with Chambers staff. Requests for interpreters and accommodations for witnesses with disabilities should be made with Chambers at least ten days before needed.

If a case is settled, the parties must notify Chambers in writing via email by the next business day.

If you do not have the current version of Adobe, please download it.

Judge Kumar encourages parties to attempt to resolve any disputes that arise through communication before resorting to motion practice. To facilitate this, parties may request a status conference with Judge Kumar at any time. Status conferences may be conducted telephonically or in person.