Social Security Cases

Print Guideline

If service of the complaint is not reflected on the docket within 90 days of issuance of the summons, the Court will issue an order to show cause to the plaintiff. Once properly served, the Commissioner has 60 days to file an answer and the administrative record/transcript.

Upon the filing of the transcript and answer, the Court will issue a scheduling order setting the deadlines for the filing of motions, responses, and the reply. Requests for adjournment of those days must show good cause. A proposed order is not needed.

Citations Format Effective September 16, 2019

Motions and briefs filed on or after September 16, 2019 must comply with the following format, which is changed in that the reference to transcript numbers will no longer be allowed.

Motions and briefs that do not use the following format will be stricken and must be corrected before refiling.

1. Citations to the docket except for the administrative record or exhibits

Motions or briefs shall cite to the docket using the following format: docket number, and page ID number. Presently, documents filed in CM/ECF with our Court have headers at the top of each page that look like this:

Case 2:18-cv-11095-GCS-EAS ECF No. 11 filed 08/15/18 PageID.1117 Page 1 of 28

Citations to this document and page ID number will look like this: ECF No. 11, PageID.1117.

2. Citations to the administrative record or exhibits

Motions or briefs citing to the administrative record or exhibits must include the docket subpart. For example, below is a page from an ALJ’s decision.

Case 2:18-cv-11095-GCS-EAS ECF No. 7-2 filed 06/11/18 PageID.49 Page 26 of 66

Citations to this document, subpart and page ID number will look like this: ECF No. 7-2. PageID.49.

3. Citations to multiple pages or documents

To reference Cite form example
A single page ECF No. 10, PageID.234
Multiple sequential pages ECF No. 10, PageID.234-235
Multiple pages not in succession ECF No. 10, PageID.234, 238, 245
Multiple documents ECF No. 10; ECF No. 11